How Can the Fall Weather Impact Your Pool?

October 20th, 2021

Many people aren’t aware of the damage pools can suffer in colder temperatures. It’s incredibly common for pools to experience water loss during the fall and winter. That is why it’s important you stay on top of your swimming pool maintenance year-round. Water level issues are one of the biggest concerns for pool owners. If this is an issue you’ve experienced, follow the tips below and contact JR Pool Plastering & Texas Gunite Ltd. if your pool requires pool plastering.

How Can Water Loss Affect Your Pool?

How Can the Fall Weather Impact your Pool?

Cracked shells can lead to water loss. Contact JR Pools for a professional pool resurfacing service.

So, how exactly can water loss affect your pool? Well, it can lead to equipment damage, bad water circulation, and more. With that in mind, you should keep an eye on the levels of your pool water during the fall and even winter.

Low water levels can also be a fire hazard. You may be wondering how this is possible. When the water is too low, the pump motor could run ‘dry.’ This means that there is air in your system, which could eventually spark a fire. So, not only can water loss damage your pool, but it could cause further damage too.

If you think your water level may be too low, be sure to contact our pool experts at our Houston location. Our team knows the signs of pool damage and we can offer the necessary repairs to ensure your water level doesn’t cause further damage.

How Can the Fall Weather Impact Your Pool?

Water evaporation occurs all year round. However, it can increase during colder temperatures which is probably not what you were expecting. Not only is water lost naturally, but there are also several things pool owners do that can cause further water loss. For example, during the colder months, people tend to turn on their pool heater. The high temperatures allow water to escape as steam, causing a decrease in the amount of water in your pool.

How Can the Fall Weather Impact your Pool?

Don’t let the Texas weather affect the condition of your pool; call our team today to use your pool year-round!

Moreover, the design of your pool could lead to additional water loss. If your swimming pool has waterfalls or sheer descents, this can cause water to splash out of your pool. Additionally, some of this water can turn into mist and evaporate your pool. If this is something you’re looking to prevent, you should turn your waterfall on as little as necessary during the fall.

The best way to prevent pool damage is through regular maintenance. If you’ve noticed a significant reduction in your pool’s water level, it may not just be the colder temperate causing it; your pool may have a crack or leak.

If that is the case, the pool experts at JR Pool Plastering & Texas Gunite Ltd. can help. We proudly specialize in pool repairs and have been offering our pool services for several decades. We utilize some of the most efficient and effective plasters on the market. So, if your pool has suffered unnecessary damage and needs to be repaired, give us a call and ask about our resurfacing services today.

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If so, get in touch with JR Pool Plastering & Texas Gunite.
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