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6205 Brookfield Dr Houston, TX


Pool Excavation Done Right

Excavation refers to clearing an area where a part of your pool or its surroundings will occupy. For example, if you would like to extend your pool or change your pool’s shape, we will have to remove dirt or existing materials such as concrete to make room for your new pool element. This process may involve removing sections of your existing pool shell, coping, or deck.

Excavation requires attaining city permits and knowledge of building codes. Our pool renovating team at JR Pool Plastering and Texas Gunite have more than 40 years of experience handling and walking clients through the paperwork, code, and permit side of this process. While planning renovations requiring excavation, it is important to discuss your plans for any additional installations such as lights or drains as well as details that come later such as pool finishes and coping. Call our team today to learn more!

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Get Your Estimate Today

Are you ready to reimagine what your current pool and current outdoor living area looks like ? If so, get in touch with JR Pool Plastering & Texas Gunite. We’ll listen to your vision and find the best plan for bringing it to life. You can reach out to one of our friendly representatives by calling below:

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